Our goal is to bring the message of the Third Angel to all peoples, tribes, languages and nations.

ASDEIH-Brasil (Assistência Social de Desenvolvimento e Integração Humanitária), uma organização cristã brasileira, sem fins lucrativos, criada no ano de 2012 com o propósito de promover educação, saúde, aviação missionária, lanchas missionárias e evangelismo através da Internet, Rádio e TV.
Uma Rádio na grande cidade de Manaus, Rádio Terceiro Anjo 90.9FM e tambem pela internet através do site.www.terceiroanjo.com; Com a Base dos Anjos em Manaus que atua na obra médico-missionária, levando com suas lanchas os profissionais da saúde às aldeias e população ribeirinhas; E tambem com a TV Terceiro Anjo através da internet.
By publishing Bible lectures, recipes, family counseling and sacred music, the Third Angel TV promotes Adventist Seventh Day beliefs on dietary habits, biblical and prophetic interpretation, Christian education, among other subjects.
The Third Angel TV, self-defines as a lay ministry. This means that it is a ministry of support to the Adventist Church, and is linked to the doctrines, beliefs and Adventist lifestyle, but is not administered by the church, so it depends on donations for its maintenance.
Why Third Angel?
6-12. O texto bíblico apresenta três anjos que fazem anúncios por toda a terra antes da volta de Cristo. Para os adventistas do sétimo dia, os anjos representam mensageiros de uma mensagem de advertência. Baseada no evangelho eterno (v. 6), estas verdades alertam a população mundial sobre os enganos e perigos dos últimos dias. Além disso, o terceiro anjo (v. 9) faz a proclamação em grande voz, refletindo bem o alcance da mídia em massa de hoje em dia, da qual a TV Terceiro Anjo se vale.
The Third Angel TV has volunteer missionaries who act in person and at a distance. And we have as a goal to bring the message of the Third Angel (* justification by faith, health reform, the commandments of God, faith in Jesus, the gospel of salvation from sin, repentance, confession and renunciation, and that it is time for His judgment) to all peoples, tribes, languages and nations.
* Review and Herald, April 1, 1890
The cause of God on Earth in these days is in need of living representatives of biblical truth. Only ordained ministers are not enough for the task of warning the great cities. God is calling not only pastors, but also doctors, nurses, colporteurs, Bible workers and other consecrated members of the church, possessors of different talents, who have the knowledge of the Word of God and have the power of His grace, so that they consider the needs of the unadvised cities. Time is passing quickly, and much remains to be done. All means must be put into operation, so that the current opportunities are wisely taken advantage of. (AA 88.1)
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The Church, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, is His depository, in which the riches of His mercy, love and grace, will finally be fully revealed. The statement that He made in His intercessory prayer, that the love of the Father is so great for us as for Himself, in the quality of only begotten Son, and that we will be with Him where He is, and that we will be one with Christ and the Father, is a wonder for the heavenly army, and constitutes their great joy.
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Third Angel does not make commercial advertising and offers everything for free. However, we survive through the donations of the brothers. We have several projects and we need external sponsorship. We thank you for considering helping with donations.Make your donation.